Saturday, October 31, 2009

spectrum stuff

this week, i remembered that we did a lab with a machine thingy.
we had different colors in test tube and we put it in the machine.
then we record the number.
during this lab, we also looked at the color of chalk as we changed to number on the machine.
we had to take notes and do worksheets this week as well.
we looked at power point slides too.
that's all i remember. it was a long week.

Friday, October 23, 2009

fire lab and nuclear chem test

this week, we took the nuclear chem test on monday.
it was very hard.
i got a 76%.
also this week, we did a lab with fire.
we dipped wands in radioactive stuff and put it in the flame.
the flame changed colors.
some were very pretty.
we took notes on chapter 11 this week.
we also did a light worksheet.
it was very hard.
yep. that's all.

Friday, October 16, 2009


this week, we watch a movie E=mc2. it was about chemistry and the people who were involved in the finding the equation E=mc2. albert einstein was in the movie as well as other people that i forgot the name of. i don't think we did a lab this week, but we did do a lot of worksheets on chapter 19 which is on radiation and radioactive decay. i think that's all. it was a simple week.

Friday, October 9, 2009

half life stuff

this week, we did a lab on half lives.
we used pennies!
we counted a hundred pennies.
heads represented the decayed atoms and the tails represented the not decayed atoms.
we did three trials.
then today, we graphed it using google docs.
our hw for this weekend is a worksheet about nuclear radiation.
it's a very long worksheet and it's probably going to take me a very long time.
it is going to ruin my weekend!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

website work

for this weekend , our homework was to finish this website worksheet about radioactivity.
it was boring.
along the week, we did a lab where we weighted 20 pennies and found the mass of them.
we took notes as usual.
we also got our matter test back.
our homework was also to write this blog because we have to post one every week.
that's all.