Tuesday, May 18, 2010

mini project 3: ice cream!

PHOTOCREDIT: Theresa Anselmo

today, we finally got to make ice cream! it was pretty tasty, but it tasted a little salty. here's how to make it:
  1. get a plastic ziploc bag and fill it with 1 cup of milk.
  2. add 2 spoons of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract to the milk.
  3. zip the bag, leaving as less air as possible in there.
  4. put the ziploc bag in a bigger ziploc bag.
  5. add 2 spoons of salt and about 1 1/2 cup of ice in the larger ziploc bag.
  6. close the larger bag and start to toss it around.
  7. EAT!
the milk mixture can freeze to be ice cream because it get chilled cold enough. the salt plays a big role. it makes the ice melt faster by lowering the freezing point. salt makes the ice melt. when the ice melts, it will be salt water, and salt water has a lower freezing point then normal water.
"the ice melts until the temperature of the water reaches the freezing temperature of salt water at that particular concentration. " -WikiAnswers

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